Tuesday, February 12, 2008

There Is Enough For Everyone But It Ain't

According to the recent report on food insecurity from the FAO (www.fao.org/), there are about 800 million undernourished people in the world today.

.Yet there is enough grain to provide every human being on the planet with 3500 calories per day, which could, with other foods, provide at least 2 kg of food person per day, including 1135 g of grain, beans and nuts, and nearly another 450 g of meat, milk and eggs(1). We can feed everyone, we simply do not have a system for distributing food more equitably. We could start by releasing for human consumption the 38% of world grain now fed to animals (70% in USA), but that is not a policy likely to be implemented in the near future.Why?

Abundance, not scarcity, best describes the world's food supply. Enough wheat, rice and other grains are produced to provide every human being with 3,200 calories a day. That doesn't even count many other commonly eaten foods - ¬vegetables, beans, nuts, root crops, fruits, grass-fed meats, and fish. Enough food is available to provide at least 4.3 pounds of food per person a day worldwide: two and half pounds of grain, beans and nuts, about a pound of fruits and vegetables, and nearly another pound of meat, milk and eggs - ¬enough to make most people fat! The problem is that many people are too poor to buy readily available food. Even most "hungry countries" have enough food for all their people right now. Many are net exporters of food and other agricultural products. (Institute for Food and Development Policy Backgrounder Summer 1998, Vol.5, No. 3)

Note:- There's enough for everyone - but due to GREED...it's ain't enough!

If we were to take into the fact that GOD has created wealth for every country and everyone in this world - there should not be any starvation or poverty. Let's put it in a more direct way...All muslim (there are 1.8 billion muslim out of world population of 6 billion) in this world now are NOT qualified to receive any ZAKAT distribution if the rich muslim nations shared it's wealth ..but sadly many(muslims) are in poverty and homeless. The secret lies in sharing to gain wealth ( as mentioned in Quran)..but GREED in mankind makes it otherwise.

The concept of sharing to wealth is similar to the Jew's, "Prosper-Thye Neighbour" which has been made famous by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, ex-Prime Minister of Malaysia.

In case you are wondering about what is meant by prosper-thy-neighbour, I would like to explain again that it simply means if you help your neighbour to prosper you will prosper along with it. When countries are prosperous they become more stable and their people need not emigrate to your country. Instead their prosperity provides you with a market for your goods, with opportunities to invest and to enrich yourself even as you create jobs and wealth for them. Poor neighbours are a source of problems for everyone, for themselves and for you. Their problems tend to spill over your borders and undermine your peace and prosperity.

The Destruction of Earth is due to GREED of mankind..not act of God, thus we will not survive ...it's the TRUTH...repent before it's too late!

Remembering The Great Tsunami of 2004

A "very great" earthquake struck the North Indian Ocean & the Bay of Bengal at 00:58 UTC on 26 December 2004. The earthquake began near the island of Simuelue off the west coast of Sumatra and ruptured a 1,500-kilometre section of the boundary between the Indian Plate & the Burmese Microplate. Shaking from the earthquake was felt many parts of south Asia and Indo-China. A devastating Indian Ocean-wide tsunami was generated by this earthquake causing heavy fatalities in many countries surrounding the Indian Ocean basin. This event is also referred to as the "Boxing Day Tsunami and/or Earthquake", "The Asian Tsunami and/or Earthquake and the "Indian Ocean Tsunami".

2,30,210 people were are estimated to have been killed in the Indian Ocean-wide tsunami generated by this earthquake (from Wikipedia); 1,84,168 of these were confirmed and 45,752 were missing. The highest death toll was from Sumatra where 1,30,736 persons were confirmed dead. This was followed by Sri Lanka where 35,322 fatalities were confirmed. 12,504 deaths were confirmed in India, 5,395 in Thailand, 82 in the Maldives, 78 in Somalia, 69 in Malaysia, 61 in Myanmar, 10 in Tanzania, 3 in the Seyschelles, 2 in Bangladesh, 2 in South Africa, 2 in Yemen and 1 in Kenya. This makes it one of the worst earthquake disasters in the 20th century, second only to the 1976 Tangshan earthquake in China that claimed 2,42,000 lives. In terms of the tsunami, it is the deadliest in recorded history and overshadows the past tsunami disasters at Sanriku in Japan (1896) and Lisbon in Portugal (1755). At the time of this ocean-wide tsunami no tsunami warning systems existed in the Indian Ocean. At many, if not most locations, the sea receded several metres before the first waves hit and this was the first indication that a "tidal wave" had arrived. This was heeded at some locations such as in Thailand and on Teresa Island (Nicobar Islands) with people fleeing to higher ground while alerting others. But in almost all other locations people rushed forth to witness or photograph this strange phenomenon or to gather dozens of fish left stranded by the retreating waters; moves that were to prove fatal in most cases.

Deathtoll 298,055 (Guardian 29 Jan 2005)
(228,948 Indonesia, 43,382 Sri Lanka, 16,389 India, 8.506 Thailand

Ketulusan Hati...